417 Muscle Shark is Now Selling PSOAS Rite Tools!!

Your psoas muscle is between your torso and legs. It's the only muscle that connects your spine to your legs. So imagine what a release will do for your body. There's so much that this muscle does. Check out some of the release benefits.

Psoas release benefits: 

helps hip flexor mobility, helps with back pain, aids in groin pain, improves posture

Big Tools- $75

Mini- $25


After Purchase will show you how to use your Tool and give you an informational pamphlet for addition help!

Message Us To Claim While We Have Stock!!

PSOAS Rite Tools for Purchase 417 muscle shark Springfield Mo Rage Fitness
PSOAS Rite Tools for Purchase 417 muscle shark Springfield Mo Rage Fitness
PSOAS Rite Tools for Purchase 417 muscle shark Springfield Mo Rage Fitness